Or You Will Destroy the TRUST factor.
The only way you can be a leader in this new economy is to “connect” people emotionally to yourself, your product or your service and you must use your activation energy uncommonly than most of the average sales people do.
Simply put, instead of saying, "Let me sell you a better version of the mouse trap," you have to be able to communicate using an entirely uncommon energy,
"What do you (the customer) really CARE about; what's important to YOU? Tell me what you feel." Then "embrace" what they tell you.
I had no choice. I had to be a leader in sales or go hungry.
I started my career in sales in New York City, selling ladies’ shoes in the Bloomingdales’ Department store on Lexington Avenue while also using my innate energy to break into TV commercials on my day off.
I eventually landed over 200 national commercials, one of which netted me over $20,000.
I later invested that money into a co-ownership in a real estate company which netted my partners and me over one million dollars in property value.
Let’s break this selling strategy down into two parts: How to lead and how to sell. Both are extremely vital energy parts of the “sales success formula.”
First, what is a leader? A leader has the ability to rally people to a better future.
The definition of sales or selling is to transfer goods and services to another in exchange for money.
To be a leader in sales, one must tap into a customer’s emotions. I always say, Successful People Move Differently© meaning you must move people emotionally, and add valve at the same time in order to get a prospective customer to buy.
What always works for me when selling myself, as in a job interview, a product, or service, is to add value to the perspective customer’s company or personal life.
It has been the cornerstone to my success in selling for quite some time; and if you use this one simply tool effectively, it will truly catapult you to new heights in your quest for sales dominance.