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“We highly recommend Mr. Ruff’s Millionaire Carnival for all your students who want to learn about money management and have lots of fun in the process.”
Regina Holman -Director Beacon School
Our mission is to bring prosperity to all Kids so they can rule the world.
Kerry Ruff’s program is designed to provide real-life everyday skills necessary to successfully participate in our economic society. The umbrella for the program is the Millionaire Carnival Game. The classroom is a financial/job interview carnival. Through interactive games and fun role-playing activities the students will be able to:
Open an interest-bearing savings account (over 500 students so far)
Solve mathematical problems and track money accurately
Buy a $25 drip stock and/or mutual fund
Write and articulate their financial goals and life plans
Conduct themselves in a business-like manner
Price $1,200 semester or term / once a week for 15 sessions
Direct: 646-894-3207
In 1990, I lost over one-million dollars in my real estate company. Don’t worry I got the abundance back.
When people ask me how I got it back, my answer is always the same: “I knew basic math and I knew how money moves.
When my daughter was around eight years old I noticed she was struggling with math at school. It was then I started to develop a fun system with her that would assist her in feeling confident with math.
I knew I had to make it fun if she was going to learn this subject.
Now that she has earned her degree from college, I would like to think I played a small part in helping her accomplish that goal.
The Millionaire Carnival Game is an innovative new concept for helping young adults increase their math skills while at the same time learn about money & investing. All the while playing an interactive multi-session game.
The program has had a dramatic impact on students’ math skills over the last 16 years. At one after-school program that tracked student performance, the math scores of MC participants increased 15% after only four months of 2-day-a week programming.
The results of the program have been positive and compelling. In July 2000, we launched our first program at the Graham Windham Beacon School in New York City with 30 students.
Since then, the program has served more than 5,000 youths ranging in age from 8 to 21 years of age.
90% of MC participants have visited neighborhood banks, and 30% have opened and maintained personal savings accounts. Although the program’s effect on self-esteem cannot be measured objectively, we have observed students in the program gain confidence and exhibit tremendous personal growth.
Course Description:
The aim of this course (game) is to increase both basic math skills and basic financial skills.
Course Student (Millionaires) Learning Outcomes:
(Students will be able to:
Present the value of math and identify how math is used in their everyday lives.
Understand the history of money. Identify the denominations of money with math projects (research project)
Risking their money by playing “investments games” all around the classroom
Prepare a balance sheet. (Using basic math skills and play money)
Demonstrate how to keep a record of earnings and losses (basic math skills)
Solve money math problems accurately by playing the Mad Minute Math Challenge
Take home Money Math Challenge Sheets. (For extra play money)
Practice basic addition using Mad Minute Math Challenge Sheets everyday
Practice basic subtraction using Mad Minute Math Challenge Sheets everyday
Practice basic multiplication using Mad Minute Math Challenge Sheets everyday
Understand the importance of a “real” bank account and express their pride in having one.
Conduct themselves in a business-like manner.
Measurements (Means of assessment for student learning outcomes)
Viewing balance sheets from each student at the beginning of each week.
Mad Minute Math Challenge Sheets (assessment test) done by students at the end of each week.
Presentation from each student regarding earned money at the start of each week.
If computers are used for math/money game, this could also be an assessment tool.
Area civic groups, individuals, and corporate entities have lent support for the community-based MC program, viewing it as a much-needed resource for promoting learning and financial literacy in our youth.
We count among MC’s friends Ms. Andrea Huginin, our math consultant; Mr. Marc B. Freedman, CPA, PC, The Bell Foundation; Graham Windham, The Beacon Program; The Council of Neighborhood Organizations; Goodwill Industries; Upward Bound; and The Citizens Advice Bureau.
I developed this program as an outgrowth of my passion for teaching and my commitment to struggling inner-city youth who typically:
Have experienced little success in school
Have little or no support – or positive role models – at home
Are impoverished – economically, socially, and emotionally
Often, their only frame of reference in life is their disadvantaged background and the blighted, asphalt landscape of their immediate surroundings. That is one of the reasons why MC is so invaluable: it transforms and broadens their limited perspective on life and encourages them to accept, sometimes for the first time, both the possibility of their personal success and their responsibility for achieving it.
Through a strategy I call Physical Communication Technology (PCT), the program establishes learning goals for individual participants and provides hands-on, immediate-results-oriented activities designed to meet those goals.
The Millionaire Carnival(c)
Most Americans live from paycheck to paycheck and look to government agencies and family members for financial support. When young adults leave home they are often dependent, because they know nothing about taking charge of their financial lives, even after they are earning a good income and are qualified professionals.
When kids and adults realize they have the power to create their own
financial destiny, they have hope. There is a reason not to spend your last
$200.00 on a pair of Nike sneakers, but invest a fraction of your savings in Nike stock, your favorite beverage, or government bonds.
Attitudes towards investing money and opening bank accounts have
steadily changed over the last two years, with new leadership and initiatives.
The Millionaire Carnival is designed to assist the participants in starting their own portfolios by...
Learn how to keep a balance sheet. (Using basic math skills)
Write out their 3 month goals and six month goals.
Solve mathematical problems and track money accurately.
How to buy a $25 drip stock and/or mutual fund.
Write and articulate their financial goals and life plans.
Conducting themselves in a business-like manner.
Learning how to get the ‘right’ credit card.
Saving their own money.
Filling out applications and forms online accurately.
Opening their own individual savings account.
Getting a savings bond.
Investing in a mutual fund for $50.00.
Learning how to get certificates of deposits and why.
The Millionaire Carnival Instructors(c)
Who are we?
The Millionaire Carnival was conceived by Kerry Ruff in his effort to
enhance his understanding of how money works and pass on to his daughter practical financial and math literacy.
Kerry Ruff has a Bachelors Degree in Education from Bloomsburg
University and a Masters Degree in Theatre Arts from Brandeis University.
Friends from PASE, The Bell Foundation, Goodwill Industries, Graham-Windam, The Beacon Program, The Council of Neighborhood Organization, and influential financial entrepreneurs in our community, are all valuable advisors and supporters of The Millionaire Carnival. We also have the expert advice of math consultant and educator Andrea Huginin and Marc Freedman Certified Public Account, P.C.
We share the common view that The Millionaire Carnival is exciting
and vital. This program will always be in development. We will be looking for more exciting ways to make a contribution to our world. Thank you for contacting us, and supporting our effort to improve this exciting program.
Kerry Ruffs’ Biography
For two decades, Kerry Ruff has dedicated his life to discovering the most effective communication tools for improving the quality of people’s lives.
He is a professor of speech communication at City University of New York-The Borough of Manhattan Community College. He has taught public speaking, physical communication technology, and the psychology of peak performance, as well as business communication at State University of New York-The Fashion Institute of Technology.
He has designed an interactive, high-energy driven, money/math curriculum called The Millionaire Carnival, designed to provide kids and their families with practical skills to pro-actively and successfully become financially responsible participants in our economic conscious society.
Through his “Successful People Move Differently” workshops, which he has conducted in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles for over 10 years, Kerry has translated communication skills to a host of clients including, business professionals, actors, politicians, public speakers, musicians and students. He has developed unique scientific tools and techniques that heighten presentation skills and has taught his clients and students how to deliver their messages effectively and persuasively. He has applied the success patterns of the world’s greatest achievers to the lives of everyday people. He has also used his dynamic skills and proven technologies to help children learn the tools of basic wealth building.
Kerry has performed in over 100 national television commercials, feature films, off-Broadway plays and corporate videos for some of the largest companies in the world, including IBM, Xerox, AT&T, JC Penny and Equitable Life. He has also produced network television programming for The Global Network TV in New York City.
Outside of academia and the entertainment industry, Kerry has been a partner in a Connecticut real estate firm as well as a team leader for proxy efforts by major conglomerates on Wall Street. Kerry Ruff is working on his PH.D. in communication/education online at Cappella University. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in communication from Brandeis University, and a bachelor’s degree in education from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania. In addition, he has completed film development courses at New York University.
I would like to thank you very much for taking time to look at
The Millionaire Carnival Curriculum Game.
Kerry Ruff
The Millionaire Carnival Math & Money Game ©
98-01 67th Ave, Suite 10-D
Rego Park, NY 11374
646-894-3207 cell/ office
The Rock ’ n’ Roll Penguin
By Kerry Ruff
Who saved his family by overcoming his fear
for kids ages 6 to 12
A story about a small stubby legged Adelie penguin who has to save his family from destination.
Follow Seymore, Oscar the possum, Jumbo Lou the two hundred pound whale, his best friends Stutabaker and Clarice and all his zoo buddies on their quest help Seymore in one last ditch effort to learn how to overcome his fear of performing in public and save his family and all the members of his Kiddy Lick community.
In this 60-minute audio book, Successful People Move Differently©, you’re going to learn:
How successful people observe others and their environment, setting the stage to move differently.
How successful people prepare themselves, taking tangible steps right away to succeed.
How successful people practice their approach hundreds and maybe thousands of times to perfect their abilities and improve their odds.
How the successful sharpen their focus, their skills, and their efforts enabling them to waste little time on the road to achievement.
How the successful experience passion, creating and enjoying dynamic scenarios that arise organically because of their innate sense of the importance of movement.
In this audio, Kerry Ruff, author and physical communication expert simplifies and condenses twenty years of research into five powerful steps that will change your life. You’ll learn:
>What successful people do in their environment that sets the stage for greater success.
>What successful people do before opportunities arise that make them more successful than most.
>The key ingredient that separates super achievers from the merely successful.
>How you can quickly get better at anything you do and stop wasting time on the road to achievement.
>How to turn passion into profit.
Kerry Ruff establishing the link between mobilizing physical energy and achievement. Students of Kerry’s work have improved sales skills, become outstanding communicators, and found rapid personal and business success.
Kerry’s workshops “Move Your Way To Success,” have attracted national audiences and his curriculum, “Millionaire Carnival,” teaching young people the “physical reality,” of financial literacy is used by numerous community organizations. He’s the founder and director of the New York City-based Success Conference at Tribeca, featuring today’s leading speakers on personal development. Kerry is also a contributing author to “Stand and Deliver: High-Impact Presentations.”
kerryruff.com© 2009 Kerry Ruff. All Rights Reserved. 1 CD | Running Time: Approx. 60 mins..19.95 BUY CD
Price $69.95 with Workbook
Price $39.95 without Workbook
Direct: 646-894-3207
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